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Nine Months

Looking back through posts for this ministry, I realized that we are in our Ninth Month of pouring out through our prophetic creative ministry. I felt Father say that this was significant, and we are pregnant to bring our ministry to birth into the world around us.

The Studio time I have been hinting at to a few of you for a few months now is positioned to prepare us for treasure hunting in the community. Preparation you say? Why do I need preparation? Didn't we already do Treasure Hunts when the Dedmons were here in January?

In the spiritual scheme of things, the Dedmons planted a seed with us. Like any birth from a natural seed, there is preparation - providing for the place the 'baby' will reside, the things the baby will eat and wear, the preparation of the parents to bring the child into the world, and to provide for its growth. Childbirth classes and reading about and sharing the experiences of other parents and experts are in order. There are the 9 months of carrying, watching growth, adjusting even the way one walks, and eating right -doing what it takes to bring the child to birth. There is always more to learn.

We want to bring our ministry into the community in the most effective way possible. I hope these past nine months have encouraged you to be confident that you are hearing from God. We have seen that even stick figures can make an impact when it represents what God wants to say to someone. I am not talking of growth as perfection in our abilities as artists and writers, but in exercising our acuity in hearing the Lord and going deeper still in that venture. He is the great artist, and as we seek Him, He will give the anointing for our work. But we have to do our part and stir up the gifts within us, and exercise their use. I want to thank those of you who were able to invest your time and money to take Cheryl's class, in an effort to learn and improve your ability to portray what God is showing you. This ministry IS an investment - of time, of faith, resources and love for those God wants to reach through us.

I believe that our studio time will be that of stirring up the gifts within us and encouraging each other to go deeper. There is always more with God, and if we stay where we are we will stagnate. So please, seek Father in prayer, email me and let me know if you would be willing to go deeper both individually and as a group. Our studio time would involve bringing your own supplies to work with. We will do activation and share what God has taught us through them. We will have free time to chill and paint and love on each other. Writers come and soak and write about what God is saying to you. Draw, paint, photograph, and stretch the creativity God has placed within you.

Let's birth the next phase of what God wants to bring forth.-Shell

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