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August Sneaking Up On Us

Well, sneaking up on me, at least. I got a text from Cheryl today asking when I would have the calendar up so she could plan, and kind of panicked when I realized I had dropped the ball in getting it out to you! Sorry people! I think the summer malaise has finally hit and my mind went to the beach without me: The very thing I DIDN'T want to happen this year. It has been a struggle to keep focused this past week. I bet I am not alone... it is just HOT OUT. There was a study on the news two weeks ago that said our intelligence and focus goes down as the temperature goes up. Yeah, I blame that.

So, the calendar is up, and is as follows (please do what you need to do to remind yourself, since it looks like I may forget...):

August 5 - Cheryl Deeter, John Swopes

August 12 - Break (Chalmers will be here)

August 19 - Wilma & Jeff Saenz

August 26 - Amber Parson, Lacie Copeland

I want to thank you for your flexibility with the schedule lately. It means a lot that you all are willing to let Holy Spirit lead us and wait a week, even two at times, to accommodate the flow of service. I know it's not easy when you have something prepared. Thanks for being so cool about it, and for honoring leadership with your patience. It doesn't go unnoticed.

I will be putting together some links to help spark your prophetic creativity, so be looking for my post coming up in the next week or so. Also, if you would be interested in having some studio days this Fall to just gather and paint, do some activations, and bounce ideas off of each other, please email me or talk to me at church.

Blessings, shell

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