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June Momentum

Here Comes June. Are You Ready?

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Let's face it. This year has been moving like a freight train, and the challenges and trials have been great. Summer is almost here, and we look forward to the diversions of the season. After all, we need to regroup and refresh so we can hit the ground running when Fall arrives.

Can we talk? The book of Daniel prophecies that in the last days the people who know their God will be strong, and do exploits. In fact, in the Hebrew, the word 'exploits' is not even there. It really says that we will be strong and DO or MAKE. The word for 'strong' speaks of being courageous, and even more interesting, to be 'fastened.' As His people, we are to fasten ourselves to our calling in Christ, and to do it- Because we know Him, and believe that He has things for us to 'do or make.'

Conversely, the passage also speaks of the wicked being seduced and influenced by flatteries. Flattery speaks of smooth things that people want to hear. It is also translated numerous times as division, or being divided. Summer tends to be a time where we are told by our culture that it's ok to let up, to take some time away- And every year, we lose so much of the momentum God has worked through us. We seem to have to put ministry on hold and start over again every Fall. We think that is just the ways things are, and we accept that as normal. Besides, it feels so good to just chill.

What do you think would happen, if during the Summer, we as a people pressed into God, rather than taking a break? What if we used it as a time of preparation, finding our rest and refreshment in Him? What would Fall look like then? What if we were prepared to overtake and overcome the busyness of Fall and the Holidays with breakthrough,rather than be at the mercy of the 'freight train?'

We need to be ready. Now let's be clear - I certainly don't condemn anyone if they are going out of town or spending time with family - we all need to nurture those relationships, and self-care is the responsibility of each of us. We all need to rest our bodies and our minds. But please, don't check out completely over the Summer. Take time in your day to grow your relationship with Father God and your church family. Get up on Sunday and gather with the people you will spend eternity with. You never know what God will do. Press in to His preparation for you, whatever that may look like. I humbly encourage you to find it and 'fasten yourself' to what He wants to do in you.

Think of the parable of the talents. The faithful servants took what God gave and brought Him an increase. It would be a shame to just keep doing what we are doing without growing it. We need to expand and grow what God has entrusted to us. He is worthy! I feel so strongly from Father that this Summer is to be a time of preparation, and if we don't prepare, we will miss so much of what He desires to do in the lives of people. Please catch the vision of this. In due season we WILL reap His harvest if we 'faint not.' I am so grateful for each of you and in awe of how God has spoken to each of us - His orchestration has been so awesome, even when we have all felt fear try to stop our progress. Thank you for your bravery and boldness! God is blessing it!

His preparation will take this outside the walls of our church. We want to bring painting, writing, prophetic song,crafts etc. into the marketplace. To bless and touch people's lives with the love and hope of Christ. To 'treasure hunt' in expansive ways. We want to be equipped to do that well, to have maximum impact on the community. To bring Him a return with the gifts He has blessed us with.

Cheryl's class will be such an opportunity to encourage each other and learn not only from Cheryl, but to grow through sharing each other's insights as God gives them. To learn to flow in the Spirit not only individually, but as a group. There is a link to Registration at the beginning of this blog post. I hope you will think of the classes as a valuable investment for expanding the Kingdom of God.

Again, thank you for your service to the body of Christ. Each of you are as a valuable arrow in His quiver. May you hit the mark every time, in Jesus' name. -shell

The Calendar for June is posted. Please check to see if you are on it and prepare accordingly. If you have already made plans to be out of town, please let me know so I have time to fill your spot.

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