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Creative Ministry Update - Good Things Coming Your Way

Hi Creatives!

The Calendar / Schedule is up for May. Please be responsible to check it and do what you need to do to remind yourself and prepare. If you are not able to supply your own canvas, paints and brushes please let me know in advance (not the morning you are scheduled!). We have a few items that have been donated, but I want to honor the generous donations and not use them unless it is absolutely necessary. We want to bless the church and not add to the costs of the ministry. (If you have new paints or canvas or brushes to donate, we always welcome that gratefully!)

We have all been waiting eagerly and the time has finally come - Cheryl Deeter will be teaching a series of classes on prophetic or 'spiritual' art in June. Please don't miss it if you can help it. Class size is limited and it will fill up quickly, as we are opening it up to the church community and it is being promoted in other places. So please, if you are interested in honing your ability to convey the heart of God to others, and to do it as best you can, sign up as soon as possible. These classes will combine activation in both hearing and expressing what God is showing us. It should be a phenomenal time of both discovery and affirmation in the Lord. So for the third time, please sign up! There is a link for registration on both the CSSM (On the Menu) and Salt Life Church Website (Upcoming Events) if you want to let friends know about the class.

We are still looking ahead to taking our gifts into the community to bless and evangelize. This will involve more than just painting. We want to expand through musicians, crafters, crotchet, drama, poets... in as many ways as God will give us to reach out to people with the gospel of His love. This series of classes is excellent preparation for us all, so please don't limit yourself if you are a writer or crafter. God wants to use you. Please feel free to approach me or pastors with your ideas so we can pray about them and see how God might want to incorporate them into future ministry.

Registration for class is mandatory, for obvious reasons, so please don't show up without signing up, as you will not be able to participate. Class size is limited. Classes run on Saturdays from June 2-30th (5 Classes) from 2-5pm.

It is open to my younger painters and writers over 12 - Ting, Kayla, Lacie - I'm hinting big at you. <3

The link to sign up can be found here.

Blessings and Gratitude,


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